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Logos is the best

Leading companies refer to The Logos Intelligent Translation System as the world's best because of its remarkable translation quality and its unlimited ability to learn. Large translation projects, in particular, can be completed more quickly and with greater terminological consistency.

Translation groups within all types of organizations become more productive by using Logos translation tools in their process. Individual translators can also have access to the same powerful Logos system using a handy dial-up feature via modem. This can give virtually anyone the ability to produce translation-on-demand in draft quality at a reasonable cost.

Logos makes all translators more efficient. With more efficient translators, you will be able to translate more documents of higher quality in less time for a fraction of the cost.

"Using Logos, Lexitech was able to acquire a large international account and improve the customer's turnaround for translated documents by 18 months. We were able to reduce their costs by more than 30% and achieve unprecedented uniformity throughout a suite of documents measuring upwards of 60,000 pages!"

Ronald Fournier, President, Lexitech

25 years of Translation Solutions

The Logos Intelligent Translation System has been developed over the course of more than 25 years with a dedicated investment of $50 million and 1,500 work years of R & D development. This sophisticated system was previously available only to high-level multinational commerce and government - now it comes straight to you.

Logos is a global, multi-lingual solutions company offering advanced technology and strong support programs which empower you to achieve greater global efficiency. We provide you with a network of service bureaus and support resources which can easily assist with any linguistic and post-editing needs your company may have. Logos tools help you to get your translation completed smoothly and efficiently.

Logos also offers you a team of experts to help you analyze and improve your translation process so that you may concentrate on other issues of global competitiveness. Speak to a Logos professional to see how you can stay a step ahead in today¹s global market.

The Logos Intelligent Translation System

The Global Challenge: Time is Money... Are you making the most of it?

Translation Productivity - The 4 Golden Rules

Translation is an ancient art that has changed very little in several thousand years. Whether using traditional pen and ink or the most modern word processor, translators can only complete a limited amount of accurate technical translation per day.

Logos technology boosts translator efficiency in four important ways:

The Solution: Logos software brings technology to the art of translation

More than mere word-for-word replacement, the Logos System can analyze and translate even complex sentences with startling accuracy.

The Logos Intelligent Translation System is a set of UNIX and Windows software tools that make your company or organization more productive and more profitable. Today. Logos brings you a very sophisticated set of translation products that learn, process and remember more translation than any other product you can buy at any price.


Translation is not an event, it is a complex process which is partly scientific and partly artistic. The skills and talent of the translation artist are irreplaceable. But applied science has found a way to reproduce many of the more mechanical operations involved in the translation task. Logos helps translators to manage terminology and glossaries, prepare draft translations and even preserve document formatting. By using Logos software, the translator can be freed to attend to translation quality.


Logos brings you a complete automatic translation system which includes: automatic full sentence translation, extensive industry-specific dictionaries, powerful utilities to customize dictionaries and semantic rules, versatile sentence memory, and more! The Logos Intelligent Translation System quickly produces a high quality first draft translation. Once the basic translation work is done by the computer, the document needs only to be post-edited and refined by the expert translator.

Logos is in a class by itself

The Logos system truly stands head and shoulders above any other computer-based translation tool on the market. More than just mere machine translation, the Logos system is actually able to deduce subtle contextual differences in language so that it may choose the proper word meaning in the foreign language. What makes this possible is the company's proprietary semantico-syntactic representation language which underlies all the internal processes of the system.

The Logos system analyzes the complete source sentence and derives information on morphology, parts of speech, and grammatical function. Both the semantic connections between words and the syntactical structure of the sentence are taken into account during this analysis. This permits the Logos system to move far beyond word-for-word replacement to produce a more sophisticated, complete and idiomatically correct rendition in the target language.

Benefits of the Logos System:

  1. Productivity Gains ­ Logos users have reported 50-200% productivity gains in translating documents.

  2. User Friendly ­Translators don¹t have to learn a new environment. Documents can be easily submitted to the Logos system for translation and post-edited within your favorite word processor. Logos supports Microsoft Word for Windows(tm), WordPerfect®, AmiPro®, FrameMaker®, Interleaf®, SGML and more.

  3. Consistent Terminology ­ The Logos system automatically applies the right terminology every time, consistently through all your documents.

  4. Your Glossaries Are Preserved ­ The Logos system accepts your existing bilingual glossaries and allows you to use them during the translation process. This means that right from the start, your company¹s terminology will show up in translations!

  5. Rich Customization Flexibility ­ Beyond the extensive dictionaries and rulebases already included with the system, we provide you with easy ways to customize dictionaries and semantic rules to your own company-specific terminology requirements.

  6. Powerful Client-Server Technology ­ Users can easily submit documents for translation to the server across networks or by modem.

  7. Document Formatting Preserved ­ Logos maintains graphics, formatting and tables in the target document. What you see is what you get in any language with formatting intact.

Logos Offices

North American Sales Office

Logos Corporation
Techmart Building, Suite 238
5201 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1122 USA
Toll Free: +1 (800) 848-1900
Main Tel: +1 (408) 987-5900
Fax: +1 (408) 987-6150

European Headquarters

Logos Computer Integrated Translation GmbH
Mergenthalerallee 79-81 D-65760
Eschborn/Ts. GERMANY
Tel: +49 (6196) 5903-0
Fax: +49 (6196) 5903-15

Corporate Headquarters

Logos Corporation
200 Valley Road, Suite 400
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856
Tel: +1 (201) 398-8710
Fax: +1 (201) 398-6102

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North American Sales Office
Logos Corporation
Techmart Building, Suite 238
5201 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1122 USA
Toll Free: +1 (800) 848-1900
Main Tel: +1 (408) 987-5900
Fax: +1 (408) 987-6150
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